Brad Pitt for Tag Heuer

No Brangelina on this one. Just Brad.

When Brad Pitt sports a watch like the Tag Heuer Carrera you know women all over the world are swooning over his piece–and I’m referring to the watch. As women faint, men hustle to the store to find a similar item so that they can be as ‘hot’ as Mr. Pitt. Well, they try anyway, bless their souls.

It’s easier now, than ever to ‘be like Brad’. Men don’t have to travel all over the city to find accessories like a celebrity, all they have to do is point and click. It’s all online. The world is wide open now. Designer watches come in beautifully wrapped packages right through the mail. I doubt Brad does it that way. He probably has his own personal shoppers go out and get him the accessory of the day. He probably has a dresser drawer full of expensive designer watches, one to go with each super-tight T-shirt he chooses for the day.

I’m not sure why he bothers, women aren’t looking at his shirt. Most probably faint before they get past his eyes.

Hey guys, don’t run all over town searching for the watch to make you look like Brad. Just check out the collection of Tag Heuer Carreras starting at $1300.00 to get a quick start on style.

After 6 years as the Tag Heuer ambassador, Brad’s contract went up last November 2008. Leonardo DiCaprio has graciously stepped in to fill his shoes.